- 7 hours of some form of exercise every week
- Endurance training for peak climbing
- Core strengthening & conditioning
- Kettelbell workouts
- Slow movement hikes
- Natural movement workouts
- Olympic Lifts (adjust loads as needed)
- Play different sports (cycle, kayak, hike, snowshoe, climb, Fish)
February Workouts
Days This Month: 28
Some form of exercise: 0 of 28 days
Exercise hours: 0.0
Hiking/Climbing miles: 0.0
Paddling miles: 0.0
Cycling miles: 0.0
4/3 - Clover Springs Training Hike
4/2 - Road Ride/Cloverdale Loop
Febuary Work-Outs
Days This Month: 28
Some form of exercise: 2 of 30 days
Exercise hours: 2.0
Hiking/Climbing miles: 3.75
Paddling miles: 0.0
Cycling miles: 6.0
4/3 - Clover Springs Training Hike
4/2 - Road Ride/Cloverdale Loop
Workout: Endurance <90Cycling/MTB - Rancheria Creek Trail/Half A Canoe Trail
Time: 01:04:35Miles: 6.8Location: PFC GymWorkout: Something to get startedWorkout with light weights to work on formWarm Up3X 20 @ 44# tow handed Kettlebell swing3 Rounds Of @ 50# Sandbag3X Get-up (each R/L)6X Dead Clean & Pesss6X dead Clean squat3X Clean & Lunge (each R/L)Press3X 5 @ 65#3X 5 @ 85#Dead Clean3X 5 @ 90#Time 00:50:00
Jan. 12 -14Workout: General - Climb, Hike and CrawlI spent a few days crawling around in lava tubes, climbing cinder cones and hiking trails.Monday - Jan. 12-Took the direct route to the rim of Gillem's Bluff out of Gillem's Camp. Hiked south along the rim and picked up the trail for the hike back down.-Hiked out to the Thomas Wright Battlefield and over to Black Crater on the return.Count as 04:00:00 workTuesday - Jan. 13- Climbed through several of the lava tubes and caves. from Valentine to the south, up to Merrill Ice Cave and Skull Cave.- Climb to the lookout on Schonchin ButteCount as 05:00:00 workWednesday - Jan 14- I hiked out to caress the summits of The Three Sisters in the wilderness area, but they would show me no love. A thick fog moved in which prevented me from making the 1/2 mile cross country hike through Sage and Bunchgrass covered lava flows and collapsed lava tubes. When I got far enough away that it was to far to go back and try again, the fog moved off, revealing the saucy siblings.Time: 02:45:00Approx. Miles: 7
Total Time: 11:45:00
Workout: Endurance <90Cycling / Road Bike - Asti Out & BackFrom home @ 85% outputTime: 00:32:29Miles: 8.9
Workout: Endurance <90Cycling / Road Bike - Preston Loop@ 75% output. It was COLD!Time: 00:41:00Miles: 7.0
December Hours: 0.0
November Hours: 1.75
DISCLAIMER: I have never had any formal workout or fitness training instruction. Everything I have learned has been self taught, self motivated, learned from trial and error, or picked up from books or the internet. Because of this, some of the words or phrases I use might not be the correct terms used by "professionals".
The logs listed on this site are workouts I have put together for myself. They are not meant as examples to teach others, but only as a way for me to track my own progression.
Thanks for viewing.