Workout: Endurance <90Cycling / Road Bike - McCutchen Ranch out & back via Old Geysers Road Miles: 13.8Time: 00:47:58
Ab Wheel
About a month ago I saw this Ab Wheel at a reduced price on the internet. I'd been considering giving one of these a try for awhile, so I bought it.
When it arrived, it was a lot smaller then it had appeared on the web-site. For $10.00, I wasn't going to sent it back, so I started using it.
It works OK, but I wanted something more burly. Enter the Wheel Barrow tire!

This thing has been kicking around the yard for a few years. I didn't want to throw it away thinking I would use it someday for something. I cleaned it up, put a new rod through it and put on some handles. I made the handles a little long because someday I might want to put stirrups on them to use this thing with my feet.