Workout: Instructing?
Marcie wanted to start doing some workouts, so I spent the morning having her go through some basic core strengthening exercises and a couple of basic lifts with a standard bar and very little weight.
-Warm up
-Air Squat
-Push Up
-Sit Up
-Jumping Pull Up
-Medicine Ball Throws
-OH Press
-Push Press
Time: 01:10:00
-Kettlebell Swings & Lifts
-Snatch Practice
-Overhead Squat Practice
Count time As: 00:30:00

"He's soft and he's fat and he's wearing my cloths and he was born on my birthday
and he's getting too old and I'm afraid if I stop running, he'll catch up with me."
- Nike motivational poster
and he's getting too old and I'm afraid if I stop running, he'll catch up with me."
- Nike motivational poster
- 7 hours of some form of exercise every week
- Endurance training for peak climbing
- Core strengthening & conditioning
- Kettelbell workouts
- Slow movement hikes
- Natural movement workouts
- Olympic Lifts (adjust loads as needed)
- Play different sports (cycle, kayak, hike, snowshoe, climb, Fish)
February Workouts
Days This Month: 28
Some form of exercise: 0 of 28 days
Exercise hours: 0.0
Hiking/Climbing miles: 0.0
Paddling miles: 0.0
Cycling miles: 0.0
4/3 - Clover Springs Training Hike
4/2 - Road Ride/Cloverdale Loop
Febuary Work-Outs
Days This Month: 28
Some form of exercise: 2 of 30 days
Exercise hours: 2.0
Hiking/Climbing miles: 3.75
Paddling miles: 0.0
Cycling miles: 6.0
4/3 - Clover Springs Training Hike
4/2 - Road Ride/Cloverdale Loop
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Location: PFC Gym
Workout: Power
Warm UpCycling / Road Bike - Frontage Road Loop (long version)
Miles: 6.2
Time: 00:21:10
Sandbag (SB)
10X 50# Sandbag Turkish Get-up (5 each r /l Shoulder)
10X 50# SB Dead Clean & Press
10X 50# SB Shoulder Clean & Squat (5 each r / l)
10X 50# SB Dead Clean with Right & Left Lunge
10X 50# SB Snatch
This will be good worked into 5 Rounds of
Sandbag Turkish Get-up

Press, Push Press
5X @ 75# warm up
3 Rounds5X 95# Press
5X 95# Push Press
3 minute rest between rounds
Back Squat
3X 10 @ 95#
Front Squat
3X 10 @ 95#
Bench Press
5X 10 @ 95#
5X @ 205#
5X @ 225#
5X @ 255#
Time: 01:05:00
Warm UpCycling / Road Bike - Frontage Road Loop (long version)
Miles: 6.2
Time: 00:21:10
Sandbag (SB)
10X 50# Sandbag Turkish Get-up (5 each r /l Shoulder)
10X 50# SB Dead Clean & Press
10X 50# SB Shoulder Clean & Squat (5 each r / l)
10X 50# SB Dead Clean with Right & Left Lunge
10X 50# SB Snatch
This will be good worked into 5 Rounds of
Sandbag Turkish Get-up

Press, Push Press
5X @ 75# warm up
3 Rounds5X 95# Press
5X 95# Push Press
3 minute rest between rounds
Back Squat
3X 10 @ 95#
Front Squat
3X 10 @ 95#
Bench Press
5X 10 @ 95#
5X @ 205#
5X @ 225#
5X @ 255#
Time: 01:05:00
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Location: PFC Gym
Workout: Power, Core Strength & Conditioning
Warm Up
3 Rounds
200 meter row
10X 135# dead lift
10X 25# weighted abmat situps
4X Barbell Complex
6 Reps each @ 85#, 85#, 95#, 105#
Dead lift
Bent over Row
Hang Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back squat
Push ups
Core Strength & Conditioning
12X - Turkish Get Up @ 35# Kettlebell
30X - Ab Roller
50X - GHD 25# Weighted Sit Up
50X - Back Extension
20X - 205# Dead Lift
50X - 52# KB Swing
Mix, match, rest to complete reps as fast as possible
I had planned on a pretty long bike ride this morning before it got hot, but several nearby forest fire that started yesterday from lightening strikes created some air quality I wasn't real thrilled about riding in. Hopefully it will clear out in a few days.

Total Time: 01:43:00
Sandbag Construction
I used 2 nylon weave sandbag that one can buy at Home Depot filled with 25# of play sand. I double bagged them and put both inside this medium size generic duffel bag. The pig ears are just wraps taking up the extra space and makes the bag tighter. I can fit another 25# bag, maybe two, in the duffel when I want. The handles are taped together to keep them from flapping around.
Approx Size: 16x12x12
weight: 50#

Warm Up
3 Rounds
200 meter row
10X 135# dead lift
10X 25# weighted abmat situps
4X Barbell Complex
6 Reps each @ 85#, 85#, 95#, 105#
Dead lift
Bent over Row
Hang Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back squat
Push ups
Core Strength & Conditioning
12X - Turkish Get Up @ 35# Kettlebell
30X - Ab Roller
50X - GHD 25# Weighted Sit Up
50X - Back Extension
20X - 205# Dead Lift
50X - 52# KB Swing
Mix, match, rest to complete reps as fast as possible
I had planned on a pretty long bike ride this morning before it got hot, but several nearby forest fire that started yesterday from lightening strikes created some air quality I wasn't real thrilled about riding in. Hopefully it will clear out in a few days.

Total Time: 01:43:00
Sandbag Construction
I used 2 nylon weave sandbag that one can buy at Home Depot filled with 25# of play sand. I double bagged them and put both inside this medium size generic duffel bag. The pig ears are just wraps taking up the extra space and makes the bag tighter. I can fit another 25# bag, maybe two, in the duffel when I want. The handles are taped together to keep them from flapping around.
Approx Size: 16x12x12
weight: 50#

Saturday, June 21, 2008
Location: Cloverdale Backroads
Workout: General
Walk/Dog Run - From the Rossi Manor at Asti, walk down to the river and back. With M & K.
Time: 00:43:00
Location: PFC Gym
Workout: Power
Warm Up
3 Rounds
200 meter row
10X 75# thruster
10X 20# wall ball
1X 5 @ 85#
5X 5 @ 95#
I added pushes on the last two reps of the last set when I started to lose form
Mutant Makers
3X 7 @ 75#
Hang clean squat to thruster = 1 Mutant Maker
Time: 00:43:00
Walk/Dog Run - From the Rossi Manor at Asti, walk down to the river and back. With M & K.
Time: 00:43:00
Location: PFC Gym
Workout: Power
Warm Up
3 Rounds
200 meter row
10X 75# thruster
10X 20# wall ball
1X 5 @ 85#
5X 5 @ 95#
I added pushes on the last two reps of the last set when I started to lose form
Mutant Makers
3X 7 @ 75#
Hang clean squat to thruster = 1 Mutant Maker
Time: 00:43:00
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Location: Cloverdale backroads
Workout: Endurance < 90
Cycling / Road Bike - Preston Loop (long version)
Miles: 10.1
Time: 00:35:12
Location: PFC Gym
Workout: Core Strength & Conditioning, Strength
100X 52# Kettelbell Swing
100X GHD Sit Up
100X Back Extension
100X 20# Med Ball Torso Twist (alternate high, mid, one arm lifts)
100X 52# KB Good Mornings
mix, match, rest to complete reps
Shoulder Press
Warm Up
2X 5 - @ 45#
1X 5 - @ 75#
1X 5 - @ 85#
Work set
5X 5 - @ 90#
Time: 01:14:00
Cycling / Road Bike - Preston Loop (long version)
Miles: 10.1
Time: 00:35:12
Location: PFC Gym
Workout: Core Strength & Conditioning, Strength
100X 52# Kettelbell Swing
100X GHD Sit Up
100X Back Extension
100X 20# Med Ball Torso Twist (alternate high, mid, one arm lifts)
100X 52# KB Good Mornings
mix, match, rest to complete reps
Shoulder Press
Warm Up
2X 5 - @ 45#
1X 5 - @ 75#
1X 5 - @ 85#
Work set
5X 5 - @ 90#
Time: 01:14:00
Friday, June 13, 2008
Location: PFC Gym
Workout: Core Strength & Conditioning, Power
Warm up
Kettlebell Swings, Figure 8's, press
3 rounds Of
20X Abmat Sit Ups
10X Abwheel Roll Outs
12X Ring Push Ups
10X Kipping Pull Ups
Renegade Rows
3X 6 Push ups with 3 Rows on alternate sides per push up
Warm up
2X 5 @ 135#
2X @ 185#
1X @ 205#
Work Set
2X 5 @ 255#
Mutant Makers
2X 5 @ 65#
1X 5 @ 75#
1X 5 @ 85#
Hang Clean Squat to Thruster = 1 Mutant Maker
Slosh Pipe
40 Meter Zercher (cradled in arms) Carry
Time: 01:11:00
Warm up
Kettlebell Swings, Figure 8's, press
3 rounds Of
20X Abmat Sit Ups
10X Abwheel Roll Outs
12X Ring Push Ups
10X Kipping Pull Ups
Renegade Rows
3X 6 Push ups with 3 Rows on alternate sides per push up
Warm up
2X 5 @ 135#
2X @ 185#
1X @ 205#
Work Set
2X 5 @ 255#
Mutant Makers
2X 5 @ 65#
1X 5 @ 75#
1X 5 @ 85#
Hang Clean Squat to Thruster = 1 Mutant Maker
Slosh Pipe
40 Meter Zercher (cradled in arms) Carry
Time: 01:11:00
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Location: Sonoma County Backroads
Workout: Endurance > 90, Uphill Endurance
Cycling / Road Bike - Warm Springs Dam, Rockpile Road
From Home, Ride to the Visitor's Center at Lake Sonoma. Then up Rockpile Road 7 miles. Rip down and back home.
Total Miles: 30.2
Time: 02:04:20
Max Speed: 49.5
The public launch from Warm Springs Bridge

Lake Sonoma Marina

Slosh Pipe
I put together a Slosh Pipe today.
It cost about $40.00, which is about $20.00 more then it should have, but our local ACE Hardware didn't carry 4" PVC so I used ABS pipe and fittings. After gathering all the materials, it took about 15 minutes to put the whole thing together.
This, plus some PVC cement and water is about all you need

At 34 lbs., getting it overhead isn't the issue

About the time you think it's stable, the water sloshes and it takes everything you have to keep it from going to the ground

Slosh Pipe
length: 9'2"
Diameter: 4"
Weight: 34 lbs.
Filled half full with 3 gallons of water
Cycling / Road Bike - Warm Springs Dam, Rockpile Road
From Home, Ride to the Visitor's Center at Lake Sonoma. Then up Rockpile Road 7 miles. Rip down and back home.
Total Miles: 30.2
Time: 02:04:20
Max Speed: 49.5
The public launch from Warm Springs Bridge

Lake Sonoma Marina

Slosh Pipe
I put together a Slosh Pipe today.
It cost about $40.00, which is about $20.00 more then it should have, but our local ACE Hardware didn't carry 4" PVC so I used ABS pipe and fittings. After gathering all the materials, it took about 15 minutes to put the whole thing together.
This, plus some PVC cement and water is about all you need

At 34 lbs., getting it overhead isn't the issue

About the time you think it's stable, the water sloshes and it takes everything you have to keep it from going to the ground

Slosh Pipe
length: 9'2"
Diameter: 4"
Weight: 34 lbs.
Filled half full with 3 gallons of water
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Location: Santa Rosa, CA
Workout: General - Play Different Sports
Golf - CIGA Tournament at Oakmont Golf Course
With Aaron, Duncan and Justin
Time: Count as 2 hours work - 02:00:00
Golf - CIGA Tournament at Oakmont Golf Course
With Aaron, Duncan and Justin
Time: Count as 2 hours work - 02:00:00
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Location: Cloverdale Backroads
Workout: Endurance < 90
Cycling / Road Bike - McCutchen Ranch
Out & Back with the South Cloverdale exit extension.
Miles: 15.1
Time: 00:54:53
Location: PFC Gym
Workout: Strength, Core
Warm up
2X 5 - @ 45#
1X 5 - @ 65#
1X 5 - @ 75#
Work Set
3X 5 - @95#
20X GHD Sit Ups
20X Back Extensions
My legs were fatigued and I seem to be sore everywhere from the last couple of workouts, but did get in a decent ride and a light weight complex. I have to play a work related golf game tomorrow, so I can rest my joints and still get in some exercise.
Cycling / Road Bike - McCutchen Ranch
Out & Back with the South Cloverdale exit extension.
Miles: 15.1
Time: 00:54:53
Location: PFC Gym
Workout: Strength, Core
Warm up
2X 5 - @ 45#
1X 5 - @ 65#
1X 5 - @ 75#
Work Set
3X 5 - @95#
20X GHD Sit Ups
20X Back Extensions
My legs were fatigued and I seem to be sore everywhere from the last couple of workouts, but did get in a decent ride and a light weight complex. I have to play a work related golf game tomorrow, so I can rest my joints and still get in some exercise.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Location: PFC Gym
Workout: Strength, Power
Warm Up
Cycling / MTB - Ride up town and back
Shoulder Press
Warm up
2X 5 - @ 45#
1X 5 - @ 75#
1X 5 - @80#
Work Set
3X 5 - @ 95#
1X - @ 115#
Mutant Maker
2X 5 - 45# Barbell Hang Clean squat Warm Up
3X 5 - 65#
1X 5 - 75#
Hang Clean Squat to a Thruster = Mutant Maker
Wall Ball
3X 12 - 20# Med. Ball @ 10 ft. Target
Time: 01:03:00
Warm Up
Cycling / MTB - Ride up town and back
Shoulder Press
Warm up
2X 5 - @ 45#
1X 5 - @ 75#
1X 5 - @80#
Work Set
3X 5 - @ 95#
1X - @ 115#
Mutant Maker
2X 5 - 45# Barbell Hang Clean squat Warm Up
3X 5 - 65#
1X 5 - 75#
Hang Clean Squat to a Thruster = Mutant Maker
Wall Ball
3X 12 - 20# Med. Ball @ 10 ft. Target
Time: 01:03:00
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Location: Sonoma County Backroads
Workout: Endurance < 90
Cycling / Road Bike - Canyon Road Loop
Miles: 18.7
Time: 01:07:59
Location: PFC Gym
Workout: Core Strength & Conditioning, Power
50's50X Abmat Sit-ups
50X Abwheel
50X 53# Kettlebell swing
50X 185# Deadlift
3 Rounds Of Push, Pull, Lift10X Ring Push-ups
10X Kipping Pull-ups
10X 53# Kettlebell dead Clean
100 Yards of Lunge / ThrustWith 35# barbell in rack position, 6 lunges, and 5 barbell thrusters. Repeat for 100 yards.
Overhead Press
3X 5 - @ 75#
2X 5 - @85#
5X @ 95#
Time: 01:23:00
Cycling / Road Bike - Canyon Road Loop
Miles: 18.7
Time: 01:07:59
Location: PFC Gym
Workout: Core Strength & Conditioning, Power
50's50X Abmat Sit-ups
50X Abwheel
50X 53# Kettlebell swing
50X 185# Deadlift
3 Rounds Of Push, Pull, Lift10X Ring Push-ups
10X Kipping Pull-ups
10X 53# Kettlebell dead Clean
100 Yards of Lunge / ThrustWith 35# barbell in rack position, 6 lunges, and 5 barbell thrusters. Repeat for 100 yards.
Overhead Press
3X 5 - @ 75#
2X 5 - @85#
5X @ 95#
Time: 01:23:00
Friday, June 06, 2008
Location: Cloverdale Backroads
Workout: Endurance < 90
Cycling / Road Bike - Preston Loop
A quickie.
Miles: 7.1
Time: 00:26:14
Cycling / Road Bike - Preston Loop
A quickie.
Miles: 7.1
Time: 00:26:14
Thursday, June 05, 2008
Location: PFC Gym
Workout: Power
Warm up
4X 25 - 53# Two Handed Kettlebell swing
5 Rounds Of Push-Pull-Lift
10X Ring Push Ups
10X Band Assisted Kipping Pull Ups
10X 75# Hang Cleans
Press, Push Press
5X @ 80# Each
5X @ 90# Each
3X @ 100# Each
1X @ 110 Each
Turkish Get Up
10X - 35# Kettlebell, Alternate R/L
Warm up
4X 25 - 53# Two Handed Kettlebell swing
5 Rounds Of Push-Pull-Lift
10X Ring Push Ups
10X Band Assisted Kipping Pull Ups
10X 75# Hang Cleans
Press, Push Press
5X @ 80# Each
5X @ 90# Each
3X @ 100# Each
1X @ 110 Each
Turkish Get Up
10X - 35# Kettlebell, Alternate R/L
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Location: Cloverdale Backroads
Workout: Uphill Endurance
Cycling / Road Bike - Hot Springs Road
Climb steeply uphill to the cattle guard at the first crest. 1.7 miles
Total Miles: 5.1
Total Time: 00:27:18
Climb Time: 00:16:33
Location: PFC Gym
Workout: Core Strengthening & Conditioning
No Name
100X - 53# Kettlebell Swing (mixed single and double swings)
100X - GHD Sit-ups
100X - Back Extensions
100X - 35# Landmine Torso Twist
100X - Air squat with PVC bar in clean position
Mix, match, rest to complete reps
Landmine Twists
Engage core, thrust weight to other hip, repeat.

Time: 00:51:00
Cycling / Road Bike - Hot Springs Road
Climb steeply uphill to the cattle guard at the first crest. 1.7 miles
Total Miles: 5.1
Total Time: 00:27:18
Climb Time: 00:16:33
Location: PFC Gym
Workout: Core Strengthening & Conditioning
No Name
100X - 53# Kettlebell Swing (mixed single and double swings)
100X - GHD Sit-ups
100X - Back Extensions
100X - 35# Landmine Torso Twist
100X - Air squat with PVC bar in clean position
Mix, match, rest to complete reps
Landmine Twists
Engage core, thrust weight to other hip, repeat.

Time: 00:51:00
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Location: Sonoma County Backroads
Workout: Endurance < 90
Cycling / Road Bike - Canyon Road Loop
Miles: 18.9
Time: 01:09:27
Location: PFC Gym
Workout: Power Endurance
Push, Pull, Lift
5 Rounds Of
10X Push Up
10X Band assisted Kipping Pull Up
10X 205# deadlift
3X 5 - 44# Kettlebell Squat Cleans (each r / l)
3 Rounds Of
5X 95# Press
5X 95# Push Press
Broke up reps to maintain proper form as I tired.
Time: 00:54:00
Cycling / Road Bike - Canyon Road Loop
Miles: 18.9
Time: 01:09:27
Location: PFC Gym
Workout: Power Endurance
Push, Pull, Lift
5 Rounds Of
10X Push Up
10X Band assisted Kipping Pull Up
10X 205# deadlift
3X 5 - 44# Kettlebell Squat Cleans (each r / l)
3 Rounds Of
5X 95# Press
5X 95# Push Press
Broke up reps to maintain proper form as I tired.
Time: 00:54:00
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DISCLAIMER: I have never had any formal workout or fitness training instruction. Everything I have learned has been self taught, self motivated, learned from trial and error, or picked up from books or the internet. Because of this, some of the words or phrases I use might not be the correct terms used by "professionals".
The logs listed on this site are workouts I have put together for myself. They are not meant as examples to teach others, but only as a way for me to track my own progression.
Thanks for viewing.
The logs listed on this site are workouts I have put together for myself. They are not meant as examples to teach others, but only as a way for me to track my own progression.
Thanks for viewing.