Warm Up
3 Rounds
200 meter row
10X 135# dead lift
10X 25# weighted abmat situps
4X Barbell Complex
6 Reps each @ 85#, 85#, 95#, 105#
Dead lift
Bent over Row
Hang Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back squat
Push ups
Core Strength & Conditioning
12X - Turkish Get Up @ 35# Kettlebell
30X - Ab Roller
50X - GHD 25# Weighted Sit Up
50X - Back Extension
20X - 205# Dead Lift
50X - 52# KB Swing
Mix, match, rest to complete reps as fast as possible
I had planned on a pretty long bike ride this morning before it got hot, but several nearby forest fire that started yesterday from lightening strikes created some air quality I wasn't real thrilled about riding in. Hopefully it will clear out in a few days.

Total Time: 01:43:00
Sandbag Construction
I used 2 nylon weave sandbag that one can buy at Home Depot filled with 25# of play sand. I double bagged them and put both inside this medium size generic duffel bag. The pig ears are just wraps taking up the extra space and makes the bag tighter. I can fit another 25# bag, maybe two, in the duffel when I want. The handles are taped together to keep them from flapping around.
Approx Size: 16x12x12
weight: 50#

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