Days in month: 31
Some form of exercise: 9 of 31 days
Approx. exercise hours: 20.5
Approx. hiking/climbing miles: 25.5
Cycling miles: 46.0
Weight loss since going Paleo 1/7/2011: 13 lbs.
Location: Mt. Diablo, CA
Actual Date: 1/29/2011
Work-out: General
Mt. Diablo - North Peak trail climb
I joined Jaimie's group for a steep hike up the east slope of Mt Diablo from the Morgan Territory trail head. It was the first time I have ever hiked Mt. Diablo, so it was nice to be with a group that knew their way around the mountain and moved pretty fast.
We connected several trails Jaimie knew about to end up on the North Peak summit in about 3 hours. The fog was thick so I missed the fabulous views from the top, but a great workout with friendly and knowledgeable hikers.
Approx. Miles: 7.0
Approx. Time: 06:30:00
Prepping @ the Morgan Territory trail head

With the thick fog, I took few pictures on the way up. Here is a ladies summit shot on Mt. Oylmpia. Elena, Kathy, MJ, Seena.
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