"He's soft and he's fat and he's wearing my cloths and he was born on my birthday
and he's getting too old and I'm afraid if I stop running, he'll catch up with me."
- Nike motivational poster
and he's getting too old and I'm afraid if I stop running, he'll catch up with me."
- Nike motivational poster
- 7 hours of some form of exercise every week
- Endurance training for peak climbing
- Core strengthening & conditioning
- Kettelbell workouts
- Slow movement hikes
- Natural movement workouts
- Olympic Lifts (adjust loads as needed)
- Play different sports (cycle, kayak, hike, snowshoe, climb, Fish)
February Workouts
Days This Month: 28
Some form of exercise: 0 of 28 days
Exercise hours: 0.0
Hiking/Climbing miles: 0.0
Paddling miles: 0.0
Cycling miles: 0.0
4/3 - Clover Springs Training Hike
4/2 - Road Ride/Cloverdale Loop
Febuary Work-Outs
Days This Month: 28
Some form of exercise: 2 of 30 days
Exercise hours: 2.0
Hiking/Climbing miles: 3.75
Paddling miles: 0.0
Cycling miles: 6.0
4/3 - Clover Springs Training Hike
4/2 - Road Ride/Cloverdale Loop
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Location: Kings Range
Kings Peak Hike
Via the Kings Crest Trail from Saddle Mountain TH.
Miles: 11.0
Time: 05:30:00

Kings Peak HD from SM on Vimeo.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Location: PFC Gym
Workout: Core Strengthening, Lower Body
Warm up: Clover Springs Walk
3x 25 KB swing @ 35#
Lower Body
3x 5 Deadlift @ 115#
Total Time: 00:45:45
Miles: 2.0
HR: 111 / 163
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Location: Cloverdale Backroads
Workout: Endurance < 90
Cycling - Road Bike / Preston Loop
Miles: 7.5
Ride Time: 00:30:15
Location: PFC Gym
Workout: Power, Core Strengthening & Conditioning
3x 10 Bench Press @ 95#
3x 10 Bent Standing Row @ 95#
3x 50 count plank
3x 10 abmat Sit up
Total Time: 00:53:38
HR: 141 ave / 179 max
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Location: Clover Springs
Monday, January 23, 2012
Location: Clover Springs
Workout: Endurance < 90
Trail Run - South Ridge
Miles: 2.5
HR: 136 ave./175 max.
Workout: Power
3x 10 Bench Press @ 95#
Total Time: 00:56:23
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Location: Clover Springs
Workout: Natural Movement Hike/Forest Bathing
Creek Trail/new Inner Ravine Trail/Main Fire Road
Miles: 2.0
Time: 01:00:50
HR: 120 ave. / 163 max.
Thursday, January 19, 2012
Location: Clover Springs
Workout: Endurance < 90
Speed Hike - Creek Trail/Main Fire Road/ Lower Forest
Miles: 2.0
HR: 135/169
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Location: Clover Springs
Workout: Endurance < 90
Trail Run - South Ridge
Time: 00:34:20
Miles: 2.5
HR: ave. 125 / max. 200
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Friday, January 13, 2012
Location: Cache Creek Wilderness Area
Workout: Endurance > 90
Bike/Hike - Judge Davis/Redbud trail in Cache Creek wilderness Area
Cycling Miles: 9.4
Hiking Miles: 12.2
From the Redbud Trail Head on Hwy 20, ride 9.4 miles to the Judge Davis Trail Head.
Hike through the Cache Creek Wilderness Area linking up the Judge Davis/Redbud trail.
Total Workout Time: 05:09:00
Riding up Hwy 20.
The Judge Davis trailhead.
On the Judge Davis trail.
Looking down the ridge towards Wilson Valley.
First look into Wilson Valley and Cache Creek.
Wide open Wilson Valley.
Cache Creek in Wilson Valley.
Looking back at Wilson Valley on the climb out.
Further along the Redbud Trail.
The third and final creek crossing.
Labels: Fitness, Running, Lifting,
Cache Creek,
Natural Movement
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Location: Clover Springs, PFC Gym
Workout: Natural Movement
Pre-dawn walk in Clover Springs. PFC Gym - Lifting
3x 10 - Bench Press @ 95#
Time: 00:35:00
Miles: 1.5
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Location: Clover Springs, PFC Gym
Sunday, January 08, 2012
Location: Baylands Nature Preserve
Saturday, January 07, 2012
Location: Austin Creek State Recreation Area
Workout: Endurance > 90
Hike - Gilliam Creek Trail at Austin Creek State Rec Area with the North Bay Hikes group.
Miles: 9.4
Time: 04:00:00

Labels: Fitness, Running, Lifting,
North Bay Hikes
Friday, January 06, 2012
Location: Clover Springs
Workout at sunrise.

Workout: Endurance < 90, Core Strengthening and Conditioning
South Ridge to first turn - Short 33# Bulgarian Bag Swings
2 rounds of at 33#
10x Bulgarian Bag cleans
10x BB clean squat
10x BB clock swings
4 Rounds of
20x walking lunge with 33# BB
Time: 00:46:43
Miles: 2.0
Labels: Fitness, Running, Lifting,
Bulgarian Bag,
Clover Springs,
Thursday, January 05, 2012
Location: Cloverdale Backroads
Workout: Endurance < 90
Cycling - Preston loop
Time: 00:37:53
Miles: 7.0
HR: (ave./max) 149/174
Labels: Fitness, Running, Lifting,
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Location: Clover Springs
Workout: Endurance < 90
South Ridge route with 10 push ups and 10 sit ups at mid-way and the top.
Time: 00:40:30
Approx. Miles: 2.5
Ave/Max HR: 143/170
Location: PFC Gym
Workout: Power
Tabata Squat Interval
20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest X 8
15, 17, 16, 16, 15, 16, 15, 16 = 126
I wasn't going full bore, but at a fair pace to set a baseline number to work from.
Time: 00:04:29
Sunday, January 01, 2012
Location: New Year Hike - Lassen National Park
Workout: Endurance > 90
Hike Cross country to Chaos Crags and climb to the first step.
Approx. Miles: 5.0
Time: 4.0
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DISCLAIMER: I have never had any formal workout or fitness training instruction. Everything I have learned has been self taught, self motivated, learned from trial and error, or picked up from books or the internet. Because of this, some of the words or phrases I use might not be the correct terms used by "professionals".
The logs listed on this site are workouts I have put together for myself. They are not meant as examples to teach others, but only as a way for me to track my own progression.
Thanks for viewing.
The logs listed on this site are workouts I have put together for myself. They are not meant as examples to teach others, but only as a way for me to track my own progression.
Thanks for viewing.