Pinnacles National Monument
Hiking - Old Pinnacles/High Peaks Trails, North Chalone Peak
I hooked up with Jaime's group again for a couple of days of hiking at Pinnacles National Monument.
Driving, camp set-up, horse shoes and eating on Friday. Saturday a group of us hiked (from the campground) the Old Pinnacles Trail/Balconies Cave Trail/Balconies Trail to the Chaparral Ranger Station at the West entrance. We then went up Juniper Canyon to the High Peaks and back down to the shuttle at Bear Gulch.
About 16 miles and 7 hours.
Sunday Eric and I did a quick run up North Chalone Peak because we both had a long drive home ahead of us.
About 9 miles in 3 hours.
Horseshoes at camp on Friday evening

Jaime showing of his Barefoot wine.

The two Eric's fixing food.

Starting up the canyon on the Old Pinnacles trail.

The faster hikers pull away.

The Balconies.

Machete Ridge.


Eric high up in Juniper canyon. Eric is hiking the John Muir Train this summer, so was carrying a 35# pack as training.

Will starts up the "Steep & Narrow".

Back at camp refueling.

The step coming out of the upper Bear Gulch caves.

Sam & Eric on the North Chalone Peak summit.

South Chalone Peak.

Racer on the way down

Total hiking time: count as 08:00:00
Aproxx miles: 26.0