- 7 hours of some form of exercise every week
- Endurance training for peak climbing
- Core strengthening & conditioning
- Kettelbell workouts
- Slow movement hikes
- Natural movement workouts
- Olympic Lifts (adjust loads as needed)
- Play different sports (cycle, kayak, hike, snowshoe, climb, Fish)
February Workouts
Days This Month: 28
Some form of exercise: 0 of 28 days
Exercise hours: 0.0
Hiking/Climbing miles: 0.0
Paddling miles: 0.0
Cycling miles: 0.0
4/3 - Clover Springs Training Hike
4/2 - Road Ride/Cloverdale Loop
Febuary Work-Outs
Days This Month: 28
Some form of exercise: 2 of 30 days
Exercise hours: 2.0
Hiking/Climbing miles: 3.75
Paddling miles: 0.0
Cycling miles: 6.0
4/3 - Clover Springs Training Hike
4/2 - Road Ride/Cloverdale Loop
Location: Lake Sonoma
Friday - May 23, 2008
Workout: Endurance < 90
Cycling / Mountain Biking - Grey Pine Flat Loop
From Grey Pine Flat, take the No Name Trail to Half-A-Canoe Trail. Ride it until the Bummer Peak Trail. Take it down to Rockpile Road and back to GPF.Lake Sonoma from high on the Bummer Peak Trail.
Mount St. Helena (Napa Co.) at the distant right.

Approx. Miles: 2.5
Time: 00:35:00
Saturday - May 24, 2008Location: PFC Gym
Workout: Power Endurance
Warm Up
30X - 35# One Handed Kettlebell Swing (15 each r / l)
3X 20 - 44# One Handed KB Swing (10 each r / l)
3X 20 - 53# One Handed KB swing (10 each r / l)
3 Rounds Of8X Abmat Sit Ups
7X Push Ups
5X Kipping Pull ups
@ high output - 30 second rest between rounds
12 - 8 - 6 - 4 - 2 - 1 Reps Of
155# deadlift
45# Barbell Thrusters
3 rounds Of12X - 12# wall Balls
10X - 70# Thrusters
Overhead Press
3X 5 @ 85#
3X 3 @ 90#
Started losing form on the last set
5X 205#5X 225#
5X 235#5X 255#
I'm real happy with the new bumper plates and bar. I can now keep one bar loaded heavy for deadlifting, and use the other for pressing, thrusters, cleans, etc.
My backyard wall ball target.
Time: 01:21:00
DISCLAIMER: I have never had any formal workout or fitness training instruction. Everything I have learned has been self taught, self motivated, learned from trial and error, or picked up from books or the internet. Because of this, some of the words or phrases I use might not be the correct terms used by "professionals".
The logs listed on this site are workouts I have put together for myself. They are not meant as examples to teach others, but only as a way for me to track my own progression.
Thanks for viewing.
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